Reforms 2015-18
I give herewith a short menu of economic policy and institutional reform measures that the Government can implement in the next four years (2015-18) to transform the economy and the polity. I would urge all to join the effort to persuade those active in Public life, politicians and voters.
Economic Policy Reform Menu
Tax Simplification & Integration
and elimination of “Tax Terrorism"
GST (uniform rate, -Octroi)
Customs (e.g. Textiles ,Agriculture)
Income Tax (original version of DTB)
Subsidies: Replace all (price distorting) Subsidies by Transfers to intended beneficiaries.
Modality: UID, Bank Act-SUPAY Debit card, Mobile Payments. This will reduce
corruption and inefficiency. The level of transfers(/subsidies) that are needed
and can be sustained by the fiscal system is a separable issue that can be
dealt with separately
all Loss making (non-defense) Public sector ;
Exit Public sector (PSUs, PSBs) from
competitive industries, sub-sectors as there is absolutely no gain to society,
but a loss arising from inherent impulse to corruption & inefficiency in
organizations run & overseen by political-bureaucratic masters
Infrastructure: Support private entry and full-free
competition in energy (Coal) & infrastructure (railway,
ports, airports, electricity distribution/transmission; use open access for natural
monopoly networks-eg distribution wires, rail track)
Simplify, Integrate Labor Laws, Rules & procedures,
promote portability & competition in labor benefits & remove exit
(6) Land:
Purge Land Acquisition Law of bureaucratic-socialist
provisions not found in market economies. Modernize-digitize land records, promote
transparency in land use and freedom in land markets (buy, sell, lease, rent).
Purge RTE Act of distorting elements & suggest a modern regulatory
structure for Private & Public education to create transparency on costs &
benefits for students & parents and eliminate unnecessary-dysfunctional controls on private & public providers. Govt expenditure should focus on teacher training & E-learning, e-education platforms to reach poor and rural & remote areas
Public Health: Build an end-to-end Sewage & sanitation (collection, transport,
treatment, disposal, recycling), water & drainage (collection, treatment,
purification, recycling) network. Eliminate communicable disease. Teach basics
of cleanliness, nutrition & health through schools, media, public health e-portal).
This should have the highest priority in Central Govt. fund allocation for
health sector. Second priority of CG should be e-medicine, e-health platform to reach the poor & rural-remote areas.
Institutional Reform Menu
(1) Legal: Eliminate all antediluvian laws
and integrate & simplify remaining laws. Simplify & reform Civil
Procedure code to facilitate expeditious disposal of cases. Similarly integrate & simplify laws relating to crimes like murder, violence, rape and kidnapping. There is no need to have a separate law for each type of murder (private, public, social, rape related) and each form of violence- these can be clarified/detailed in the rules & procedures linked to the law.
(2) Police: States must be pressured by
citizens to adopt and implement SC directions (in Prakash Singh case) on Police
reform. Priority to separation,
empowerment and independence of investigation & prosecution wing and
citizens oversight board. Central government should create model legislation,
rules and procedures for adoption by States. This single reform can make a big
difference in respect for law and public security & safety with respect to
riots, political murders, social violence (caste, religion, gender), rape &
child molestation
(3) Judicial: Judicial appointment procedure
must be reformed urgently to expedite the filling up of 35% vacancy in
judiciary. Management of courts, cases load and cases must be modernized through
use of Information technology and modern management practices. Funds &
positions must be provided for this purpose.
(4) Electoral: Change laws, rules &
regulations to eliminate criminals from politics. Introduce contributory State
Funding of elections (with part of funding given after the results are known)
along with independent auditing of party accounts and filing of income tax
returns by parties.
E-governance systems for transparent decision making, that make details of all
expenditure/contracting decisions accessible to public. Introduce system of
electronic records for organizations notorious for harassing the public (e.g. revenue
departments) so that accountability is enhanced by the possibility of post
outcome analysis (e.g. relating to excessive tax demands & % of legal
appeals lost/won). Require all transfers
of personnel in less than 2 & 1/2 years to be electronically filed (with
reasons & record of decision makers involved-CM, HM, secy) on a portal run
under the judiciary and open to the public. The transferee or others would be
free to file a review case in court.
For details see, and/or